Welcome to the 142 subscribers and 6 premium subscribers who joined since the last issue!
Last premium posts: Is my investment distressed? & Losing it all in foreclosure
Last free post: LP Investing Digest #14
🎙️New podcast up - discussed my background, the start of my new venture, Twitter's involvement, and much more! As always, my podcast appearances are not an endorsement of the host
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If you just joined: I write twice per week and you’ll receive those emails as I post them. One article is always premium (such as this one), while the other is a free weekly digest on LP topics that might be helpful to you. If you’d like to upgrade to premium (which includes access to full archive of my articles), you can do so here:
My deal is distressed, now what?
Welcome back! 👋
The entire point of our discussion last week was to figure out how to spot distress in investments before it’s too late. Today, we’ll turn to what you can do about it.
As a reminder, this is the second part of a two weeks series based on what I’ve seen in the distressed world:
Last week: Is my investment distressed?
That’s our topic for today - how to spot things before it’s too late
This week: My deal is distressed, now what?
Once you know there is a challenge coming, what do you do? I’ll break this down for both GPs and LPs separately
I highly recommend reading last week’s post before you continue. There’s a preface in there that’s very relevant to today’s discussion.
We’ll cover 2 topics today:
Facing distress as a GP
Facing distress as an LP
Although I divide the answers up for both a GP and an LP, I highly recommend reading both regardless of which party you are.
At the end of the day this is a partnership and the best way to get better is to understand the other side’s perspective.